Art, Film, Uncategorized

Paris Exhibitions: Cy Tombly, Magritte, Richard Avedon & Rembrandt

This week, I don’t talk much. Haha.

Instead, I’ll be showing you some exhibitions that I went to with some small commentary. Fortunately, for those of you reading my actual blog, I’ll give more of a better explanation of what I thought about the exhibitions.

CY Tombly

I’ll be honest, the paintings and artwork didn’t really call to me as much as I wish it did. I’m not an artist and I didn’t study art, but I do appreciate it. Because if it didn’t, I wouldn’t be where I am today.


There were TOO many people in this exhibition at the time. This gallery of surrealism is something you should go see just because of it’s popularity. Just do not go during a day that is packed.

Richard Avedon

This exhibition was mandatory – but I didn’t hate it! Our professor took us on a feild trip to see this famous fashion photographers work at the Bibliotheque Nationale de France. It was really cool and it was even cooler to know that I was with people who would appreciate it also! Fellow fashion media students!


Again, it wasn’t my favorite. Although I do find paintings from the 17th and 18th century very fascinating, my favorite part about going to the Rambrandt exhibition is the building in which it is located. Absolutely beautiful as you will see in the video.

Check out the actual video below!!


Until next time! Stay awesome 😉

Déla Vee

Art, Beauty, Editing, Fashion, Film, Media, Photography, Producing, Travel, Uncategorized, Video

New Fashion Media Vblog, Oh no.

Yet another blog, everyone! Only this time, I will be updating more frequently.

Follow me on my YouTube vlog (Video Blog) adventure for a course I’m taking for my MBA. I would really appreciate it if you could follow me and watch the evolution of my producing and editing skills while I talk about topics such as Fashion, Beauty, Travel, Arts and Music.

New video on the channel! Check it out.

Until next time – Stay awesome, tout le monde!

